All of our bras come packaged with our signature velvet drawstring bag or our latest bra laundry bag. The velvet drawstring bag is perfect for storing your bras in your drawer or suitcase, while the laundry bag is ideal for washing your bras without damaging them. Our laundry bag is made of high-quality mesh material that is breathable and allows water and detergent to flow through freely, ensuring that your bras are thoroughly cleaned.
In addition to the bags, we also provide a pink measuring tape to every customer. We understand that finding the right fit can be challenging, which is why we want to make it as easy as possible for you. Our measuring tape is easy to use and provides accurate measurements, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your Forlest bra.
We believe that the little things make a big difference, and we hope that these special touches make your experience with us even more enjoyable.